So far in this series, we have worked solely on ourselves. We touched on subtracting our own selfishness, owning our actions/reactions and not our husband’s, and self-care. Next up…making sure needs are taken care of. Now I know, this is elementary. Thankfully marriage isn’t rocket-science! But this key step in becoming one is nutritionally lacking […]

    meeting your marriage needs

    Alright, ladies! I know many women who need to hear this! If not for yourself, then definitely for a friend! I am hoping this post will help you get the encouragement you need to say YES to self-care! You may be wondering, what in the world does self-care have to do with me becoming one […]

    self-care in your marriage

    Last post we discussed what you needed to subtract from your marriage so that you could prepare yourself for becoming one with your husband. And today…you are going to learn not only how you can allow yourself to become one with your husband, but how to tip the marriage happiness scale while you do it! […]

    Becoming One in your marriage wife advice

    Hey there! So you are on this journey called marriage…and unfortunately, when you get married, you do not get a step-by-step marriage handbook! And depending on the company you keep, you may or may not be receiving the best marriage advice or mentorship! Although this is not a marriage 101 handbook- I am hoping we […]

    selfishness in marriage

    Welcome to our Wife Life Summer series!!!! Last Summer, I posted a series very close to my heart, The Proverbs 31 Series. And this year, I am narrowing our focus down to a critical part in marital success…Becoming One! Wives, I hope you are as excited as I am to dive into this short Summer […]

    becoming one with your husband