DIVORCE! You know someone it has impacted, maybe even you. Truth is, it is a very real reality in today’s society and something of which all wives should be mindful. I do not know about you, but I have an extremely proactive personality, which is probably why I spend a lot of time being proactive in […]

    Healthy Marriage advice

    50+ hour work weeks-I was drained! Coming home after midnight most nights, and on nights I was physically home before midnight, I was mentally absent. My brain recalled the checklist of things to still do. Exhausted from years of company dedication and hustling to move up the corporate ladder, I fumbled with my keys in the dark. […]

    Marriage Advice

    My bladder was calling again. Seven months pregnant,  I scooted to the edge of the bed in the wee hours of the morning. Popping one leg off the edge, I pointed my toes downward towards the carpet; and using my upper body, I did a slowwww motion roll out of bed. Pitter patter of feet […]

    As I gently knocked on the door, camera in hand, I anxiously waited to meet Aubri, a talented wedding florist whose work I admire. It was during a styled maternity shoot when I first saw her work, it was love at first sight! A delicate floral crown, radiating brilliant blues, and peacock feathers that were […]
