I was strolling down the store aisle, (110 degrees outside…gotta love Arizona in the Summer) and dreaming of cooler weather was made easy as I passed the 10 aisles of Christmas decor! Christmas in July? It is at Hobby Lobby!
I am a big holiday tradition girl! From home decor to festivities I love the holidays! But putting all those things aside, I love the constant reminder of volunteering our time and providing for those less fortunate! Something I think we all tend to think about more around the holidays.
“She extends her hand to the poor,
Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy.”
Proverbs 31:20
If you have been following this Proverbs 31 series, A Wife of Noble Character, we have seen that there is no room for selfishness. And it extends here with that same selflessness outside our homes.
We saw in the last post in this series that the wife of virtuous character is tenacious in her work. But now, immediately following, we see that she is not so focused on her work, that she misses out on the opportunity to be a blessing to those less fortunate. And not just around the holidays! Looking at the word’s grammatical tense- it does not say, she will extend, or she has extended. It says “she extends” and I think it is safe to conclude the use of tense in this verse is showing us it is part of her usual routine.
We hear so many stories every day of negative things going on in this world. You do not have to be poor to be needy, you do not have to break the bank to help someone who is less fortunate. But, you should extend where you can and cultivate a heart that gives!
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